
The customer or client will receive an agreed specified bitmap file of the vector graphic as the product. Thilmcraft Graphics© will keep the origination copyright of the vector graphic unless otherwise agreed with the customer or client.

Type of graphic work
Cost per hour (ex VAT)
Simple graphics in 2D with 2 or 3 spot colours
Graphics in 2D with multiple colour fills
Graphics in 2D with multiple graduated colour fills
Graphics in 3D

The above prices are only a guide to the final cost of the product and does not include modifications. Some 2D logos can cost as little as £5.00, where as a high quality 3D Formula One car for an exhibition would cost up to £1000.00.

The usual bitmap file will be a JPEG (.jpg) or a TIFF (.tif)

These graphics can be easily incorporated into desk top publishing and web site design which Thilmcraft Graphics© offers as a service.
